How to Be a Good Team Player


No matter where you work, collaboration will be part of it. You’ll probably have seen your fair share of group projects and presentations, and wondered why it just worked out with some people and didn’t with others.

It’s not magic or something you can put down to “our personalities just meshed/clashed”. Working together is a science, and it’s possible to crack it and get better at it. Here’s how:


  1. Listen to others

Actively listening to your teammates is the first step to better teamwork. Pay attention to their concerns, body language, or any cues about what they may be feeling or thinking. And don’t be afraid to ask about what you don’t understand!

Remember that listening is just the first step. Show your dedication to making the team work by following up on what you heard, be it through offering assistance or getting something in place. Even a “checking in” call or message is appreciated by many.


  1. Offer help

Some people make the mistake of only completing what’s assigned to them during group work. This gives others the impression that they are lazy and simply looking to cover their own bases.

Instead, actively offer to help and get involved. When you have finished your portion, look at your teammates and offer to assist anyone who is struggling. In fact, a simple “is there anything I can help with?” goes a long way.


  1. Congratulate others

Be happy for your teammate’s achievements as well as your own – you’re all working together, after all. It pays to be generous and think of others by celebrating their ups and commiserating with their downs.

Your behaviour will contribute to fostering a giving, collaborative culture within the team. And soon, you will find that others celebrate your victories as well.


  1. Commit to the team

When things are going badly, don’t look for a way to escape or shift responsibility to someone else. Too often, we feel that the problems the team faces are someone else’s fault and hence, are not motivated to do anything about them.

Remember that whatever project you’re on, you and the team will be finishing it together. So, be prepared to put in more work to resolve conflicts and make deadlines when things get tough.


  1. Actively work to solve problems

Don’t wait for problems to catch up to you – actively work on them. Try to spot issues before they blow up and diffuse them firsthand.

For example, if two team members have clashing work styles, don’t wait for them to argue. Try talking to them separately first or suggesting they work on different parts of the project to diffuse the tension.


Commit to being a better team player and you will soon enjoy the benefits of great teamwork – smoother projects, better solutions and fast friends!


Photo by freepik