Millennials – A Misunderstood Generation

A millennial is categorised as someone born between the years of 1979 and 2000.

A millennial is categorised as someone born between the years of 1979 and 2000. It is often said that this is the generation which would disrupt traditional business strategies, marketing efforts and communication lines because of their tech savviness and pursuit for engagement – and this is proving to be right.

However, in recent months, the approximately 1.2 million millennials currently driving Singapore’s economy and the rest of the world have been attracting negative press due to their supposed overall bad attitude. We seek to debunk some myths and show you why millennials are merely misunderstood and do not behave how many perceive them to be.

Myth: “Millennials cannot hold down a job for more than a year”

They are in search for more than just a job.
This might be the most common sweeping statement those in the HR profession are familiar with that is not necessarily true. According to a study done by GALLUP, the major difference between a millennial and a baby boomer would be the way they view jobs. While baby boomers seek stability and a pay cheque, millennials seek meaning in their job. With that being said, millennials are more likely to switch jobs in pursuit of another if their current one does not offer them a purpose that aligns with their personal goals.

Myth: “Millennials are inefficient at work”

They tap on alternative methods of completing work – just do not expect them to hand it up earlier than the given deadline.
As a technology driven generation, millennials are highly adept at sourcing for essential information to problem solve or propose viable solutions from the Internet. With that being said, the Internet also brings with it many distractions – Facebook, Instagram, BuzzFeed, online shopping, etc. It is not to say that they are inefficient at work but, timely when it comes to completing tasks in contrast to the baby boomers who would strive to complete tasks earlier than the given deadline.

Myth: “Millennials are bad at executing plans and giving suggestions”

Not bad, but open to changes and will suggest unconventional ideas.
With change being the only constant in and out of the workplace, having fluid plans or “bright ideas” may not necessarily be a bad choice – especially if they revolve around strategies. Having grown up exposed to the media spinning stories and marketing tactics, millennials know when to call it bluff. It is because they know this, they are able to come up with structured “bright ideas” – which may or may not be conventional.

Conventional structured approaches may be effective, but they may not suit all problems as they do not leave room to respond to target markets – blind execution. In a highly competitive market, to stand out from the crowd you need a timely out-of-the-box idea or viral campaign to capture the attention needed, and millennials can provide just that.