The Importance of Corporate Branding

A strong employer brand has the ability to position your organisation as a choice employer and a noteworthy workplace. This would influence market perception of your business and also translate into better recruitment – and retention – performance.

An employer brand is formed out of the perceptions of an organisation’s stakeholders – inclusive of its current and potential employees. It is how your company is viewed in terms of your business conduct in the market, and an impression of what it would be like to work in your organisation.

A strong employer brand has the ability to position your organisation as a choice employer and a noteworthy workplace. This would influence market perception of your business and also translate into better recruitment – and retention – performance.

Improves Application Rates

It is always easier to have butterflies attracted to you than to exert effort to catch them. In that same vein, it is always easier to have suitable candidates drawn to you than to dedicate resources to capture them, especially in this tight labour market.

A good corporate brand will do much in keeping your organisation at the top of jobseekers’ heads. A company is only matched by its quality workforce, and you’d need a cadre of talented individuals to spur innovation and growth in your company.

Expands Your Talent Pool

With the help of CareerBuilder1 Starter, you’d be able to build your own talent pipeline. This will give you a dedicated career page where jobseekers can gain information pertaining to job openings and company updates. It will also allow jobseekers to join your “talent network” with a hit of one button, and also share job opportunities with their personal contacts through email.

But why would individuals want to join your talent network, be kept abreast of any job openings, and have no qualms about sharing relevant company information with their friends and family? Obviously they must find your company worthy of these things – and only because they have had a good impression of your brand.

Retains Your Employees

Employees of standard would not remain in an organisation that does not thrive on good culture. Employers must thus take effort to form a good corporate brand internally for a better retention outlook.  

When good values and an inclusive culture underpin an organisation, employers stand to gain from their employees’ increased engagement. Greater employee engagement results in higher retention rates and enhanced productivity – ultimately improving your bottom line. As employers, you will also not run the risk of losing your best people to competitors and having to dedicate considerable resources to scout for and train replacements.

The building of a good employer brand typically falls in the hands of the HR and Marketing departments, but the truth is that the onus is on everybody to shape and maintain it. As an employer, believe in the values by which you want your employees to be guided, and instil them in your own way every single day.